This following information was found at Tom
Grants site.
Courtney Love's, husband disappeared, then was found dead. Little did she know
the fire storm this would cause.
The Private Investigator, she hired to find her husband began talking about a
possible murder instead of suicide in December 1994.
The investigators name is Tom Grant, an ex detective from the LA Sheriffs
Department. Since then, his theory has appeared in "hundreds of major magazines,
television and radio talk shows around the world."
Grant and murder theorist claim that there is a conspiracy of censorship, and
threats of lawsuits by MS Love. Yet, considering the hundreds of media outlets
they've had access to, the documentary "Kurt and Courtney", books written on the
subject seem to debunk any claim of censorship. To date MS Love has not filed a
suite either.
This information was found on the net mag "Salon".
Remember the Clinton Scandal? Tom Grant did do investigative work for MS Paula
Jones. Some extremely powerful people where involved in this investigation. You
have to wonder why Tom could not get these same people behind his Cobain theory.
paula jones' sleaze finder
BY JONATHAN BRODER | If the Paula Jones sexual misconduct suit against
President Clinton wasn't already unseemly enough, things are about to get a
whole lot seamier: Tom Grant, P.I., is on the case.
Grant, whose clients have included actress/singer Courtney Love, has been
hired by Ms. Jones' lawyers to dig up dirt on the president's sexual past. Given
his track record, who knows what the Beverly Hills private eye may find? Love
hired him three years ago to locate her missing husband, Kurt Cobain. The
heroin-addicted leader of the rock group, Nirvana, eventually turned up dead, a
suicide, Seattle police ruled. Grant, however, believes that Cobain was
murdered, and on his Web site he names Love as the prime suspect. For $18,
Grant will also send you his 150-page file entitled "Kurt Cobain -- suicide or
murder? You decide."
Contacted by Salon in Little Rock, where he's been busy digging for the past
two weeks, the 50-year-old former Los Angeles police detective would not
reveal what he had uncovered so far, but he insisted that his investigation had
been "very productive." Warned Grant: "If Mr. Clinton's lawyers want to play
hardball with Paula Jones, that's just fine. We've got the stuff to play hardball
Other knowledgeable observers are not so sure. Grant has reportedly linked up
with a local private detective named Larry Case, who tried several years ago to
prove that Mr. Clinton was a cocaine addict. They believe Case is leading
Grant down well-worn and discredited paths of rumor and innuendo.
"There are a bunch of people down here who made a profession out of trying to
get sex stories on Clinton," says Gene Lyons, a columnist for the Arkansas
Democrat, and author of a book debunking much of the Whitewater scandal.
"Some of them are wackos, others are political operatives, who have accused
just about every semi-attractive woman who came into Clinton's orbit of being
his lover, of carrying his love-child, you name it. They followed these women
around, ran down to the health department to see what name was on the birth
certificates of their children, quizzed their friends, tried to get them to
corroborate these accusations, then leaked these stories to reporters and sent
them chasing around too.
"Now this guy Grant is trying to do the same work," adds Lyons. "He's doing
the same thing all over again, and he's going to end up with the same thing."
That may not overly concern the people and organizations behind the Paula
Jones lawsuit. Grant's $400-a-day fees are being paid for by the Rutherford
Foundation, the ultra-conservative organization based in Charlottesville, Va.
which is picking up the lawsuit's tab in its entirety. With the discovery phase of
the trial still ongoing, and a trial date set for May, Grant says he may need
"several more months" to run down all his leads.
In her lawsuit, Jones charges that in 1991, while she was working as a lowlevel
state employee, an Arkansas state trooper named Danny Ferguson brought
her to a Little Rock hotel room to meet then-Gov. Clinton. She claims that
Clinton dropped his trousers, exposed himself and asked her to perform oral
sex. In her complaint, she alleges Clinton's genitals had "distinguishing
The Washington Times, owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, claims it has
seen Jones' affidavit and has printed a supposed description of the notorious
"distinguishing characteristics": a unnatural bend in his organ that the paper
suggested may have been caused by a disease. Such cheesy innuendo made the
leap into the more respectable press when The New Yorker ran its own
description of an erect penis, 5 inches in length and the circumference of a
quarter, which leaned to the right.
Clinton has forcefully denied Jones' allegations, saying he does not even
remember meeting her, while some former associates of Jones have disputed
her version of events on the day in question. No matter. With independent
prosecutor Kenneth Starr's investigation of the Whitewater affair becoming
increasingly discredited, Clinton's old political enemies are working to revive
the sexual innuendoes, and are finding a willing audience in Grant.
According to Lyons, who is working on a new book about the campaign of
rumors against Clinton, Grant can call upon an entire parade of dubious
Arkansas characters to help him fill his notebooks. Lyons mentions Connie
Hamsey, a music groupie who has publicly boasted about sleeping with dozens
of rock stars and now claims that Clinton sexually molested her. Another
alleged Clinton victim, Sally Purdue, once ran for the mayoralty of Pine Bluff
and called a news conference where she denied she was a lesbian -- much to the
amazement of the media that never reported she was. Dolly Kyle Browning,
who went to high school with Clinton, has penned a self-published novel about
her alleged 30-year affair with him.
Then there's Larry Nichols, an Arkansas state employee and self-styled secret
agent whom Gov. Clinton fired in the 1980s for making 640 long-distance calls
to the Nicaraguan contras from his office telephone. Nichols fell further afoul
of the Clintons when Mrs. Clinton later represented Nichols' wife in their
divorce proceedings and pursued him for failing to keep up with his alimony
payments. Nichols has since claimed that Clinton was part of the Iran-contra
affair and smuggled drugs from Nicaragua. Nichols also starred in "The Clinton
Chronicles," a film sponsored by Moral Majority founder Rev. Jerry Falwell,
that claims, among other things, that Clinton embezzled millions from the state
government and that he murdered political opponents, including White House
lawyer Vince Foster.
In a 1990 unfair dismissal suit, Nichols named five women with whom Clinton
allegedly conducted affairs and upon whom the priapic governor illegally
lavished state money. All of the women named, including former Miss
Americas, denied Nichols' claims. A local TV anchor, Deborah Matthis, was
also named. According to Lyons, when reporters asked her if she had slept with
Clinton, Matthis, an attractive and irreverent black journalist, replied, "No, but
if I had slept with that fat white boy, he'd still be grinnin'."
Nichols later dropped the suit, admitting that Clinton's political enemies had
put him up to it. That didn't prevent the original charges from resurfacing in
various mainstream national newspapers during the Gennifer Flowers flap in
the 1992 presidential primaries.
This, too, says Lyons, should come as no surprise. For his book, Lyons and
coauthor Joe Conason, a columnist for the New York Observer, have collected
hours of tapes that were inexplicably given to them by Case, the local private
detective now working with Grant. The tapes contain dozens of recorded
conversations with reporters from Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal and other
prestigious media organizations, in which the journalists can be heard pleading
for the nastiest details about Clinton's sexual history, which Case gladly
"One would have thought that these reporters would have learned the thing that
all reporters should know, and that is that anybody can say anything about
anybody," Lyons said.
That doesn't seem to be stopping Tom Grant or Jones' lawyers. They've learned
another journalistic maxim that sadly is pushing the older standards aside:
Never let the facts stand in the way of an unlikely story, especially if it's sleazy
and it's about the President of the United States.
SALON | Nov. 13, 1997
Nick Broomfield
Yes, Nick Broomfield's movie "Kurt and Courtney" caused a great deal of
controversy when it was released.
"Kurt and Courtney" wasn't the only one of Nick Broomfield's films to cause
controversy. Lily Tomlin, unsuccessfully sued Mr. Broomfield to prevent the release
of film that MS Tomlin felt she was portrayed as paranoid. In a 1994 film Margaret
Thatcher said Mr Broomfield is ``trying his level best to make me look like the
monster I am clearly not''. (1)
You'd have to wonder ( During Kurt and Courtney) about El Duce, who's phrase "if
you give me another beer, I'll tell you more", his strange gestures, and El Duce
doing his best 'Charles Manson' stare during interview. (2) For Mr. Broomfield
there were no questions about this odd character. He placed him in his film and
gave El Duce and his band, the mentors publicity
During a newspaper article Broomfield claimed, that Ms Love was trashing him on
the Howard Stern show. Yet the day of the alleged Love Trashing Ms Love and her
band hole were giving interviews in Toronto. (3)
People wonder why Ms love hasn't sued. Mr. Broomfield could provide an answer.
Though he was worried about the suit being successful at first. Mr. Broomfield said
``All she did, in a way, was publicise the film,''. Why should she do that?
This collection of e-mails is obviously in no way proof that Courtney Love is not
guilty of the claims that Tom Grant has made, and it is not intended to be.
Naturally, Courtney Love's denial means only as much as O.J.'s "did not/would
not/could not" speech, which meant and means nothing. These e-mails have been
put on this page for the reason that people, whether they believe Courtney Love to
be guilty or not guilty, are interested in what she has to say on the matter. Once
again, they are not meant to act as any sort of evidence of any kind. (And needless to
say, it's my opinion that I've given enough proof that people should think twice
before they just jump along with what Grant is telling us all.)
Please be advised that I will not be giving Courtney Love's address out to anyone.
(Not that this matters much, since I don't believe that the address I used has worked
in ages.) I promised my source that I would not; and I really can't understand why
so many people have e-mailed me expecting me to give it out in the first place...
On February 9th I e-mailed Courtney to tell her about this "anti-tom" page of mine.
I wasn't even sure if she still used the addresses that I'd acquired, and if she did I
wasn't even expecting any responses, but I did indeed get them, and have gotten the
'okay' to publish them here.
My original e-mail:
From: Self
To: Courtney Love
Subject: anti-tomgrant page
Date sent: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 18:20:02 -0500
A friend of mine gave me these two addresses months ago, saying that she had
spoken with Courtney Love about Tom Grant, and going by the descriptions of the
discussions, I doubt that these addresses are fakes. So believing that these are (or
were) Courtney Love's real AOL addresses, I wanted to tell you about my Web page
which tells why Grant's story is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I'm also curious
about what you might think of it, but I'm not really expecting any response. The site
is listed in my .sig, as I'm sure you'd like to go see it. I posted about it a little while
ago in the Hole Lotta Love mailing list, and quite frankly am surprised that I've
gotten NO responses from the list either through private e-mail OR in the mailing
list itself!
Yeah, anyway, I know you don't like to chit chat with strangers much, so I'll say
Courtney Love's first response:
From: Courtney Love
Date sent: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 17:02:52 -0500
Subject: Re: anti-tomgrant page
i cannot get on the net, i will answe r whatever i choose nothing else.
does not deserve my energy, hes already destroyed so much- but
advertise that
i WILL respond-being forced to talk ballistics with yr local med
examiner and
forensics w/ yr local chief of police can really make you remeber the
white sheet under your mattress.
You start yr site, you can post this, i will not respond to flames.
Tjhe man does not like me WOW.
Hes also totally unsueable libving in a garage an driving a used
Datsun-noone in the legit media or world will touch him- hes got
nothing, the
entire Seattle infrastructure would get homicidal, and hed be soooooo
trouble- hes not worth my time hes horrible and gross i have a bad
anniversary coming up
no fun...okay bye...Courtney.
From me:
From: Self
To: Courtney Love
Subject: Re: anti-tomgrant page
Date sent: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 19:23:01 -0500
Heh, you certainly don't have to convince me that Grant has nothing. The horrible
thing is that many people think that he does... -sigh- Did you want me to put that email
(e-mail address excluded, of course) on my web site? It looked like you hinted
that you wanted me to in a couple of places, but it's hard to tell. =) Also, did you
want me to send you a copy of what I have on my site, since you can't get on there
yourself? I got an e-mail yesterday from someone who asked if I was you. I said 'no',
and s/he said that s/he just thought it was odd that someone unconnected to you
would put so much energy into disproving Grant. Just tryin' to do what's right.
One last thing--don't worry about having to answer anything. I'd never dream of
asking you, or anyone in your situation to have to answer 'questions' brought out be
such a disgusting person, tg. But you said to advertise that you will respond, so do
you want me to say anything specific about anything on my page, or in any of the
newsgroups? I'll send out any message you want, or nothing at all...
From her:
From: Courtney Love
Date sent: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 10:40:26 -0500
Subject: Re: anti-tomgrant page
yeah i was advertising that and i probaly wont answer much but id
if youd put it on there- gee why would someone devote time to anti tom?
would someone devote time TO him???? duh...thank you clover- id like to
whats on his site i am a retard on the newt if you could paste it up
for me-
files suck i cant get them neither- so i can see what shit hes up to id
appreciate itr IMMENSLY clovcobain
From me:
At this point I went to what I call Chris Carmen's "Tom Grant's Web Page O'
Lies," since that's basically what it is. I got all of the most recent versions of
everything there and e-mailed them to Courtney. After doing all of that, this is
basically what I had to say:
From: Self
To: Courtney Love
Subject: My own words...
Date sent: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 18:51:35 -0500
As ludicrous as it is to think that so many people buy into this b.s., THEY DO. As
for my own feelings about you, I don't respect you as much as I used to, basically
because during the last year you've gotten yourself into so much trouble, and that's
really damaged your creditability, especially in this case. While I still like you, I
really understand why many people do not, and it might be because of that that
many Internet users are easier prey to Grant's words. (I WOULD like to commend
you on the fact that I haven't heard any bad stories about you recently. :)
Like I said before, I wouldn't want to belittle you by asking you questions about any
of this. It's my opinion that almost everything that Grant says he is making up, and
anything that he is not making up is either irrelevant to Kurt's death, or taken out
of context. But if you want to say anything of your own for me to put up on my page,
feel free. Most people who believe Grant probably always will, and most people
who've read his stuff and think he's a lunatic probably always will, so it probably
wouldn't make much of a difference. All I know is that many many many people
think that you are a murderer. It's sick and unreasonable, but it's true...
Next I will send you what's on my page. Parts 1 & 2 are my official document (as
official as it can be on the 'Net...) on the matter, and part 3 is someone else's take on
why Grant shouldn't be believed. I'll be adding more notes like those shortly. I'm
running out of space, though, and am in the process of getting my page set up on a
site in the UK. Another Nirvana fan named Sean Green, screen name "Love Buzz",
has basically 'given' me the space on his page over there, and we've added some
pictures of you, Kurt, and Frances. We've also got a nice background over there,
instead of the plain gray that's on mine. But anyway, here we go...
From: Courtney Love
Date sent: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 04:48:45 -0500
Subject: Re: anti-tom pg. 1
A . all ill say is this;
Go to the medical examiner . the chief of police, the chief and sgt in
Homicide(because of the high profile of this death they were
involved)- Grant had a PI firm for a gew months he got real luycky. I
couldnt find any lawyers so, hell, i used the yellow pages-he was/is a
failed busines"" man- also slow and inept-the people he consigned in
seattle were slow- I sent someone over to the dealers- asked him had
anyone been by? he said no...alsop lazy- Dylan says he barely loked at
the house-also he never went up to the garage or greenhouse- wich i
specifically asked as it was a "hiding" place for K.-theres nothing
more to say because the actual authorities know all...BTW the 'Rome'
note is xeroxed ....and owned by the SPD- grant (who sells tidbits to
asses sued to hell-and they know that-thats all i have to say other
than there is a date set to remove his liscence, and of course nooone
will publish his 'Novel" because its full of shit that the med
examiner and cops will vehemently deny-they have all teh evidence
remember?If Tom grant had gotten a hold of a picture of Kurt- wed all
have seen it- Frances too when she grows up-i could NOT take seeing
such a thing, as far as our marriage PLEASE- divorce was NOT an option
to either of us/ we rarely fought and had a great marriage, PERIOD.
goodbye Courtney
From: Self
To: Courtney Love
Subject: Re: anti-tom pg. 1
Date sent: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 09:51:02 -0500
I keep telling everyone that none of this will get to the courts anyway, because he
knows that he'd be laughed out. I've been putting your e-mails to me on my page,
just so you know. Anyway, all I know is that as stupid as this whole "investigation"
is, it's my opinion that a lot of it can be cleared up by having some of the people
involved (police, Kurt's family, friends...) get together for some sort of press
conference or whatever to very openly say that they've all seen what he's been
saying, and that it's all lies lies lies. I personally squirm everytime I see/hear any
mention of Grant and his "investigation" in mainstream media (it was a blurb on
my local radio station that made me finally create my page on the web), but the
truth of the matter is that he is slowly getting more recognition in the mainstream,
and more and more people are slowly becoming familiar with it all. But that's just
my opinion...
From: Courtney Love
Date sent: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 14:24:07 -0500
Subject: Re: anti-tom pg. 1
no hes NOT been in the mainstream media 1st mainstream that touches
DEAD- I will live in a trailor to get my libel suit-they know this you
throw around the highest felony on earth lightly. What would happen if
i went
on Oprah and said Tom Cruise was gay, but had no facts just heard
things id
be in JAIL inside of a year-LIBEL is not protected by 1st amendment-he
nothing/ an old datsun lives in his dads ggarage was a CHIP for not
even 6
months before getting fired . I have to appear before the board in la
declaim his liscence....why should we-wendy,
Nikolas(smexaminer),Kimball or
Cameron throw a press conference overa wacko thats his WET DREAM, i
believe im even responding to YOU re him-all he has is the net Now if
has the call letters of any radio stations he was on or dates(its been
just a
few times)Id like to know because ill o after them....thanks Courtney
From: Self
To: Courtney Love
Subject: Re: anti-tom pg. 1
Date sent: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 16:05:06 -0500
"Mainstream" meaning stuff like radio...some magazines. He's had that KROQ
interview that he's gloating about, and no doubt other radio stations around the
country are bringing it up. Naturally magazines like Time and Newsweek and shit
wouldn't go near him. People with brains know exactly why, but then again, when
we're talking about Grant's followers we're not exactly talking about people with
brains, are we...
> why should we-wendy, Nikolas(smexaminer),Kimball or
Simple--because people think he's right. A lot of people. As pathetic and disgusting
as it sounds, they do.
> Now if anyone has the call letters of any radio stations he was on > or dates(its
been just a few times)Id like to know because ill o > after them....thanks Courtney
Yeah, in that shit I sent you, he talks all about when he was on KROQ. In fact, he
says that your "representatives" took care of not having Grant back on their
morning show, so I assume you already know all about that.
Getting back to the press conference...hey, I'm 18, what the fuck do I know. =) It's
just that the Grant-followers seem to have no common sense, and it seems that the
only way for them to begin to see behind Grant would be for the people involved to
say, "Hey, guys, it's us, he's lying." Whatever. You know what's best. I just want to
help serve as your "informant" about the people on the 'Net, and how they perceive
all of this. And while I'm certainly not alone with my disgust of Grant, we seem to
be in the minority.
I hope I'm not upsetting you or anything...or sounding like I'm more important than
I am... This sure isn't how I'd choose to leave Kurt's memory. But everytime I see
Grant's name...UGH!
After that I didn't receive any more mail regarding that. At the end of February, a
correspondence of mine sent me copies of the different parts of a new article of a
magazine called "High Times". It deals with Grant, Hank Harrison (Courtney
Love's father, for those who don't know), and some other stuff. Harrison addresses
some things that Courtney Love has said about him, such as claiming that he
molested her as a child and gave her acid, and he says that none of that is true. I
won't be putting that stuff of his on this site (most likely), but I forwarded those
messages to Courtney, and this is what she had to say about it all:
From: Courtney Love
Date sent: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 20:49:01 -0500
Subject: Re: (Fwd) High Times articles (3)
high times smoked a few joints too many...get to the part about
machine" hooboy! Allso Hank OWNING something EG a House? HA! The guy
is on
WELFARE I've NEVER lived with him and have met him about ten times in
life. Yukky- its about my mother w/ him also he thinks that through me
he was
some conduit that gave Kurt his Voice so ultimately this insane
says that...KURT is really HANK-eg Voice Of A Generation rather than
parasite/petty thief/child molester/All TRANSCRIPTS OF HIS CUSTODY
detail but anyone in the bay area can find them 1968-Risi/vs harrison
State vs Harrison.....hes the lowest blowhole cretin, his mother took
stand ccused him of some sick shit in that transcript- he was not
allowed to
EVER be near me my entire life by ourt order in the 60s! HARSH! Even
Molester/incest protaganists get a monitered day here and ther so fill
in the
blanks bout the things he did to the infant child of a weathy woman who
with him once dosed on acid. Him and Tom Grant are peas in a pod-
and uselesss- im not angry- its too typical, ba bing he hit the
jackpot.....just gross.
Here's another thing that I wanted to mention about Hank. In that article he clearly
says that he never met Kurt Cobain. Shortly after Kurt's suicide, there was this
prime-time tabloid/magazine show on FOX that only lasted a few episodes, and one
episode was dedicated to Kurt; you know, the suicide... That was the first time I saw
Mr. Harrison. On that show he talked about how he had been corresponding often
with Kurt, either over AOL or of those two services. But now he
says that they never met, never spoke. Is Harrison a creditable person? I think not.
Anyway, she wrote this back to me after I sent her the most recent (at that time)
version of my document, which had been updated a lot since the original copy that I
gave her:
From: Courtney Love
Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 03:28:08 -0500
Subject: Re: anti-tom II
you can post this;
In order for me to revoke Grants liscence I haave to goto CPublic
and be face to face with the loon.
I have no problem with it-my lawyers wrote the Public Affairs people
think its sorta sadistic aftere what this guys putting
us(Bean,Brieann,Wendy,Kim,Me,Rosemary) through-but if it takes being in
same room i dont care-hes broken every law and statute pertaining to
mPrivatee Investigation. They are all Crazed-these conspiracy people-I
care,oh BTW the Lexus? Puhleese! We went out one daay bought a eally
black car-drove it around got totally stared at and felt mortified like
were sellouts- so we returned it within 18 hours of buting it.Ok?
whoopy. As
Ive said If the Med Examiner or the Police felt anything contrary they
wouldnt hesitate to jump on it, I called one of the seaargeants when
started his big bingo$$$$ thing-worried-DID something wierd happen? He
im quoting"Courtney if you walked in here right now and said everything
man says is gospel we would tell you to take a xanax and go home-what
are you
going to tell us that he doesnt LIKE you"-hes insane take care of your
and let go of his bullshit" UOTE...ok? thanks CLC
Hank Harrison
Bio dad
Courtney's father Hank Harrison, has leveled charges against his daughter and
shows concern that she maybe involved in Kurt's "murder". First we have to look at
the man making the allegations.
We have his response to Courtney when she talks less than glowingly about her
childhood or him, ``Keep on bad-rapping me and I'll keep kicking your ass.".(1) I
believe that this "ass kicking" means he will continue to lay charges of murder.
He "disappeared" in 1995 and the Los Altos Sheriffs Dept. was trying to find him,
because of his dogs mauled a women. DA Tom Booth told a reporter, ``We haven't
been able to find him," and continued ``He is a loud, vulgar, glib-tongued charmer.
Our police went to where he said he would be to take the dogs and have them put
down. But he'd gone. If you find him, let us know."(2)
His ex-wife Linda (and Courtney's mom) says their daughter was the result of a date
rape, at a party for Dizzy Gillespie. Their marriage lasted only two years, and she
filed a legal objection to him visiting Courtney.(3)
What about Hank allegedly giving Courtney LSD when she was two, and disciplined
Courtney with pit bulls.(4)
I am sure that Hank would adamantly disavow all of this. What about two quotes
attributed to him several years apart about Courtney?
In the first story his says he is very concerned about drug users and suicide. He
wanted to start the "Kurt Cobain Foundation for Suicide Prevention". He also said
that, one of the last times he saw Kurt and Courtney together they appeared "really
happy. This was not a Sid and Nancy deal. They really loved each other." (5)
Give a few years and no money, now he says, ``I also have very, very dark suspicions
about what went on (with Kurt's death) because of my real experience with
Say what?!?! What caused the change? At any rate all of this should cause us to
look as his claims with a jaded eye.
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